Walmart Smart Home
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screened professionals.Friendly 24/7 customer service.
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
No time windows, book when you want.
How Handy Works
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Your pro arrives
An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
The Trusted Name in Walmart Smart Home Referrals
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Meet Some of the Top Walmart Smart Home Pros on Handy
Download the app to search and book top professionals in your area. Build a pro team so that you always have a great group of go-to professionals for all your household needs.
Jon T.
Handy Premium Pro
14 jobs completed
Hi, I'm Jon. I absolutely love be helping home owners and renters with their home needs. I'm very kind, respectful, and knowledgeable. I can find creative solutions to all kinds of problems. I look forward to meeting and helping you out.
- Jon from Handy
Rance P.
Handy Premium Pro
141 jobs completed
My name is Rance, I’ve been a Handyman for over 15 years, but started building a rapport with Handi last November and haven’t looked back since. My philosophy is simple; “Serve the people” I hope to be of service to you and your family.
Everton W.
Handy Premium Pro
125 jobs completed
Everton: With over 26 years of multifaceted experience, I specialize in the construction of both large and small residential and commercial properties. My approach is characterized by sincerity, focus, and directness. I am committed to delivering high-quality results and ensuring client satisfaction.