Handy Helper
Vetted and
screened professionals.Friendly 24/7 customer service.
Backed by the
Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
No time windows, book when you want.
How Handy Works
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We'll confirm your appointment and take care of payment electronically and securely.
Your pro arrives
An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
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Meet Some of the Top Handy Helper Pros on Handy
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Robert! G.
Chris B.
Michael V.
Customer Reviews
43 Reviews for Handy Helper
Avi J.
Got everything built really quick and also really well. Would highly recommend for another service or for friends!
Ananya M.
Ahmad was great! He arrived right on time and was quickly able to fix the problem. Highly recommended!
Vivian T.
Jonathan texted me and gave me heads up when he's in hus way. He literally helped me with entire studio set up (AC, TV, and furniture)!
Ami V.
Jordan did a great job and worked hard the whole time here. My only feedback is to have a long level for hanging pictures/paint
molly g.
He went above and beyond! While he was here he offered to do a few things that I didn't even ask about. I can't recommend him enough!
Stephanie E.
Istvan was very polite and professional. He fixed my wardrobe door and tap and showed me how to change a light fitting. I would definitely hire him again.
Blair C.
Great work and suoer helpful. We went over the two hour limit so can you please add an extra hour to the planned session=3hrs total
Stacy M.
Karl was fantastic ! He had a great attitude and was very respectful. He did what I asked, made suggestions and gave great feedback!
Kristen g.
David was polite, thorough and stayed a bit extra to finish something for my house. Was very impressed!
Andrea B.
Georgie took great care in cleaning the glass I was so worried about. I'd love to have him back to do all my needed handyman work.
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